
Cryo-sculpt is a safe, non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. Cryo-sculpt actually kills fat cells, meaning that once they are eliminated, they are gone for good!


  • Under the chin
  • Inner thigh
  • Outer thigh
  • Abdomen
  • Flank
  • Bra fat
  • Back fat
  • Underneath the buttocks
  • Upper arms

One of the greatest things about this fat melting option is that the results are long-term. Once the fat cells are destroyed, those same cells do not come back. With regular weight loss, due to diet and exercise, fat cells only shrink, however, the number of cells remains the same. With CryoSculpt, the treated fat cells are removed, thus greatly decreasing the possibility of weight gain. This is not to say weight gain is impossible, however, there will be fewer fat cells available to expand for weight gain.


There is no downtime associated with this treatment, however, patients have recorded feeling tender in the area for a few days post-treatment. Immediately following the treatment, you will likely experience some redness and swelling, which will begin to subside. Also, because the surrounding skin is kept cold for the duration of the treatment, it is not uncommon to feel numb in the area for a few days as well. 


Another aspect of liposuction surgery that scares away some patients is the scarring. There’s no way around it: any incision will leave a scar. Granted, liposuction scars tend to be small and discrete. If there’s a way to avoid them altogether, though, then why not?

Keep in mind that some people also have a tendency to develop prominent scars like keloids. If you have a history of lumpy or significant scarring, CryoSculpt could be a great alternative to surgery.



Here are some answers to the questions we receive the most about our services. If we missed anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help

In basic terms, Cayo-sculpting causes fat cells to die. An increased inflammation recruits a number of immune cells into the area of freezing, resulting in mediating lysis (death) of fatty cells. This phenomenon then results in a gradual slimming of the targeted area within several weeks.

Simply put, your body digests them. Just like any energy source, they are cleared through the lymphatic system.

Our bodies contain a finite number of fat cells, and therefore the cells will not reproduce. In other words, when the fat cells leave the body via the lymphatic system, they cannot return. However, an individual’s excessive calorie intake could trigger the remaining fats cells to compensate and increase in size. It is therefore important to maintain a healthy lifestyle following your treatment.

This is a common Cryo-sculpting FAQ. There are no adverse long-term effects associated with Cryo-sculpting. The concept of fat freezing is to specifically target and destroy fat cells and not cause any other damage. It is proven that our skin and fat are affected at different temperatures; therefore you can freeze the fat but not harm the skin. With that said, patients may experience a little bruising and numbness, which tends to last several days.

The method is 100% non-invasive; this means no scalpels, needles, anaesthetic or sedation. With no restrictions or limitations imposed patients are free to resume their routines immediately after treatment.

Unfortunately, Cryo-sculpting is not designed to tighten loose or stretched skin. This may require more invasive approaches such  our Liposculpt 360 Body Treatment

Cayo-sculpting is not a substitute for invasive body contouring methods and nor is it a treatment for cellulite. Instead, it is used to target troublesome areas of fat, e.g. abdominal pouches, for a more slim and toned look.

Patients must be older than 18.

Once you have helped identify the treatment area, your practitioner will place a cool gel pad on it to help protect the skin. A vacuum is then attached to the area, which draws in the fat. As this occurs, you will experience a mild cold sensation, which will gradually drop in temperature to around -7 or -8 degrees Celsius, freezing the fat cells.